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What Are You Waiting For? |©Bridget Marcus

The things that are happening right now in Washington does not surprise me. The hate and division I see among people does not surprise me. The great falling away of those who have professed the name of Jesus at one time who now no longer live for and obey Him but now support sin and self does not surprise me. The increase in sickness and death does not surprise me. Why? Because the word of God told us all of these things would happen. For those of you who do not read the Bible there have been many things to come to pass and that are currently taking place that are in scripture as we speak. None of this is happening "by chance". It is not a surprise to God and it shouldn't be to us. It will be to those who refuse to see what is right in front of them and sadly many won't see it. And when they do unfortunately it will be too late. All of our "current" leaders will not keep their "current" statuses because God will not tolerate such lawlessness and corruption. Judgement will come to those who go against everything God stands for as well as those who support it. America will go through some things that we have never seen before. Why? Because God is trying to get "everyone" into a repentive state where we can "all" be humbled to the point where we are left looking to Him and nothing else. Seeking self and other idols only go so far. And many times we do it not even realizing it because it's just second fallen nature. He loves us that much to the point He will put us in situations that feel like it will physically, mentally, and spiritually break us but what we do not see is He is preparing the heart for what is to come. He is preparing the heart to choose Life in Christ or Death to sin, Heaven or Hell, Him or the World/Satan. If there is anything I feel led to share today it's this.... You and I both will die someday. God sees no indifferences no matter a person's status or how much money they have in the bank. It doesn't even matter what you've done in your past. You and I have a choice given to us. This day as you read this you have a choice to choose Jesus or continue on living the way you have been living dieing in sin. Jesus is the only way and whether people realize it or not He is going to say ok i'm done. Enough is enough. He will wipe His hands clean of those who turn their backs on Him. So know that if you keep putting Him off, walking away to live your own kind of way, and keep saying I will do it another day because "you have time"...listen to me when I say that time is running out. There won't be a later. The time is NOW or it's never! Please choose wisely. Call on the Lord today. Humble yourselves, Repent, and Seek Jesus! Let Him do a new work in you. He can make you new. Church won't do it, I can't do it for you, but God can. Amen. What are you waiting for?

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