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Taking Back Territory |©Bridget Marcus

Any word curses being spoken over me whether intentionally or unintentionally I render them powerless and I call them to be null and void in Jesus name as they fall to the way side! They have no authority by the blood of Jesus and shall not take root.

Normally I don't do this but the Father is leading me to. He says He is shedding light to the darkness. But some of you have spoken negative words even in secret about me. Not just me but others also. Some, the enemy entertained it as a thought over and over in your mind by touching old wounds that still need healing and it triggard you in to speaking things out loud that were sent as arrows from the enemies camp. Many not being able to discern and having clarity where the enemy has had you in smoke and mirrors. Many of you have been wearing garments of heaviness and the Lord wants to replace it with garments of praise ,His joy, and clarity. The reason I am able to speak this now is because I used to be this person before He delivered me and set me free from it.

Listen! Things are not what they seem. I pray that you have ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to receive ONLY the things of the Father! I speak deliverance, freedom, healing, and wholeness over you. I speak clarity having Eagle sharp senses in this next season as the Lord takes you higher as you surrender to that call of going higher with Him. Higher to where He will allow you to see way ahead of what the enemies plans are and how to fight those plans ahead in advance. I speak breakthrough from that spirit of rejection, spirit of religion, spirit of offense, spirit of suspicion, spirit of shame, and that orphan spirit and mindset and that you step fully into Beloved Identity with the Father where you come into the fullness of knowing who you are IN Him and who He is as Abba Father! It is in that place where you will be able to fully be able to find rest as you can rest IN Him and be set free from performance. It is in that place you will regain confidence and strength. It is in that place you will find your calling and know your purpose. It is in that place where you will know your worth, your value, and will no longer need the appraisal and attention of others but that your eyes will be fully and souly fixed on the Father in any and all things.

Listen! He wants to take you higher in this next season but in doing so you need to be in surrender to the healing process that He wants to do within you. Sometimes that doesn't look or feel good but it is necessary in order to go to the next level the Lord is wanting to bring you to and that is needed for what is to come. He has been speaking to me about where He is bringing all the impurities to the surface to be dealt with and to be cleansed. Will you drop your pride and let Him do the work? This is not to cause shame or to even condemn anyone but to encourage that you don't have to keep walking in this confusion, the foggyness, the hurt, the demonic cycles, and to keep dealing with these strong holds. The call to repentance is now. The call to complete surrender is now. Letting Go and Letting God is now. The time to release it to Him is now!

Today is the day where the assignment set forth against you from the enemy to try to throw you off your destiny and to keep you from walking into the Promised Land is canceled and shall not prosper in Jesus name!! You are victorious! You are loved! You are crossing over! Go sit with the Father... He's waiting and GO take back your territory!

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