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Hello Friend ! 


     Welcome! I am so glad that you found your way here! Let me introduce myself. My name is Bridget Marcus, I'm 37 years old, married for 17 years, and I am a mother of two boys. I am just a girl who loves my Lord and Savior Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ). The story behind my salvation wasn't like most but something of simplicity. I was in and out of church growing up.  One night Yeshua came to me right where I was at 17 years old on September 5th, 2004, alone in my bedroom. His love and presence consumed me to overflowing. I had never felt anything like it. I fell to the floor in tears as I repented and gave my heart and life fully to Yah (God). He had come to me, sought me out, and chose me.


Nothing compares to the Father's Love and His heart! From that point on I knew Yah (God) had a special calling for my life. From a young age Yah would always speak to me through dreams. As my relationship with Him grew, He began to speak to me in other ways such as visions and receiving words of knowledge not only for myself but for others. He would also speak to me through creative ways and by using His creation. I wasn't filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and received my prayer language until later on.  It wasn't until the beginning of 2022 that Yah spoke so clearly to me that He wanted me to show others His heart and to be His mouthpiece and to feed His sheep.  Since then, I have been on this amazing journey that He has placed me on not only to come into my complete identity of who I am in Him and to be set free but to walk out my calling in helping others to heal, to be set free, and to come into the understanding of who they are in Christ. Though the journey has not been an easy one, I know it will be well worth it. 


In conclusion, I don't share this site in hopes to gain "followers", or to bring attention to myself, or to receive funds, but to give God all the Glory for all that He has done and continues to do in my life and in the lives of those around me. I do hope you will allow the Lord to speak to you through my blogs & messages as well as it brings encouragement as we share this faith filled journey together. Reach out to me if you would like to chat.  May the Lord, God, Bless You and Keep You! Always... your Sister in Christ- Bridget  

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