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Wages | ©Bridget Marcus

Let's talk about the many of us are compromising for comfort? How many of us are making deals with the devil by gambling our life choices with the things of this world? If we have given our lives completely to the Lord and accepted the gift of salvation than why do we fear as much as we do? Because we are not strong in our faith. We need to call it like it is. We do not spend enough time building our spiritual weapons so we compromise by making worldly decisions for our lives that have spiritual eternal consequences to them. I'm not going to set here and lie to everyone at the fact for years I have lacked in my spiritual arsenal because I chose to do materialistic worldly things over sharpening the tools the Lord gave me to prepare for such a time as this. And you are just as guilty as I am. STOP WASTING TIME....GOD'S TIME. Now is the time for ALL of us to wake up and sharpen our spiritual weapons so we can go to war. These are the last days. Mock me, ridicule me, call me nuts all you want, but Christian's have gotten so weak that instead of looking like the bride of Christ we look like the worlds harlot. WAKE UP CHURCH!

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