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The Wilderness Season| ©Bridget Marcus

It was around this time, three years ago, my family and I began our wilderness season. When covid first hit we had no clue just how much it would affect us. We lost my mother-in-law who was a huge part of our lives. She would always help us in a time of need and spoil us by taking us places and doing things for us without us even asking her to and she didn't know how to take no as an answer. Anyone who knew and loved her, knew that this was just who she was, and this was something we had all gotten used to for as long as we did know her. Her family was her life. She was my husband's best friend and support system in so many ways. He was diagnosed with MS just a year before her passing and he was born with CMT. She was an RN on top of being his mother. If there was ever a time we needed health advice she would be the first person to go to and we'd get it. Her knowing that he struggled daily with his disorders she would always keep check on him. Not only does MS and CMT have a major effect on your body it also affects your mind. She knew this and would encourage and talk to him daily and would always keep him in prayer. Our boys, who are now fifteen and ten, never knew a life without her until three years ago. There were not many days that would go by that she didn't see or talk to them. We would even butt heads on occasion due to how much she would spoil them. When the Lord took her home, we all had to adjust tremendously to so many different things. We had to adjust to the fact that the support system we once had that came in different forms in just one person was no longer there for us. She was the type that would check on us daily and made sure that we were always taken care of. She would help take some slack off of us when it was needed without us even having to ask her to and it was always so greatly appreciated. We also had to adjust to the fact that the relationships we had through her when she was alive both family, and friends, and even acquaintances, would greatly change once she passed. During this time I was also led by the Lord to quit doing my photography that I had done for the last nine to ten years. It had been an extra source of income for our family and even though it took up a lot of my time it still allowed me to be flexible. He also moved me out of my church home of 17 years and moved us to another church. Talking about taking me out of my comfort zone. The boys were removed out of public school and we began homeschooling. He also led me to begin going to ministry school in Birmingham to become a prayer minister/counselor. This was a lot of change in such a short period of time. What I didn't realize at the time was that God was strategically placing us in a position of being hidden so He could do a deeper work in and through us in this time. To grow us and prepare us for our destiny. He has been teaching us that He is our soul provider, He is our supporter, encourager, friend, and our strength. He is teaching us how to forgive and let go. He has been healing us from the inside out even if it has been what feels like a slow process. Even though we are not out of our wilderness season yet and are still in the waiting I wanted to share this blog to encourage those who are reading this that if you are going through a time of hardship, one that is uncertain, where you can't see the road ahead and you can't go back to what was left behind, and it just seems like it will never end. A road that feels lonely, hopeless, and isolated. Where it feels like no matter what you do nothing is going to change. Know that God has a plan. And He works ALL things out for your good and for His glory. Keep moving forward! Don't give up! Your almost to the Promised Land. It's been three years. And though I have been tempted so many times to just simply give up, because of God, I continue to put one foot in front of the other. I am reminded of the promises He has given me. Promises of hope and a future. That my husband will be healed and made whole from the inside out and we will have a growing ministry together. My children will grow up to be mighty men of God, healthy, and whole. We will receive a new home with land that will be fully dedicated to the Lord to host worship nights, prayer, bible studies, deliverance, and whatever else God wants to use it for. That He is bringing us a community and a tribe. That supernatural provision will be met in every area of our lives. Promises that I will get to see and experience all the amazing things God is going to do in these last days. That He will use me and my family to help bring in the end time harvest and to share His heart with His children. I am not sure how much longer it will be like this but He is teaching me to trust Him fully and completely in every area of my life. I hang on to the hope that it won't be too much longer before we will reach our Promised land and that we will get there on His perfect timing, until then, I will keep praising him in this wilderness! I encourage you to praise Him in yours! Amen!

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