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The Storm Is Coming |©Bridget Marcus

I had two dreams last night. Upon waking up I heard the Lord say warn my people and tell them the storm is coming! Now this isn't the first time He has told me this. He has spoken of what is to come to me over the last two years. Before you continue to read, please remember to take this word to the Lord. It is not meant to put people into fear but to bring warning and for the church be in intercession. "The Storm" is both spiritual and physical. But this is what was put in my spirit to share.

Events are about to take place that will shake our country as well as other nations. It will affect our daily living. There won't be a single person it won't affect. As I sat on my front porch this morning I heard the Holy Spirit say chaos was about to take place but those who were rooted firmly in God would remain in peace and stability. They will receive divine provision and protection. Trust in the Father! Despite what you see and hear keep your eyes on the Father. Focus on Him and only Him.

This is not a doom and gloom post. Know that in the midst of the chaos and the storm know that God is working behind the scenes. He is restoring and rebuilding. He is sifting and resetting. But we will see a major move of the Holy Spirit during this time. Divine miracles, Christian communities will be built, gatherings in homes and fields and other locations that is not the normal church buildings, He is breaking down the religious spirit roots that have found its way into the bride of Christ. He is going to deliver and set the captives free. He is going to uncover hidden agendas and break down ministries that are not built on Him and His truth and most of all His heart. He is pruning branches so His fruit can grow and flourish.

Connections are important and hearing from the Holy Spirit is vital. God has been preparing safe havens for His people around the US and the rest of the world. There are modern day Joseph's. Know that if phones and internet go down it is important that we hear from the Lord, and we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit. It will be Him that will tell you where to go and not go. Heed to warnings and directions because it could mean life or death. It's important that you know His voice!

As the year goes on you will continue to see more and more deaths both young and old and further hard events take place around you. Do not let this put you in fear. We all will experience things we have not seen or heard before but know that God has a plan and He is in complete control! Trust Him.

Continue to keep the faith, stay moving forward in your journey, draw near to Him and He will draw near to you! Seek Him in ALL things. He is our shield, our protector, and our provider. Be aware of the storm and get on the ark! But always remember the best is yet to come!

Noah had to warn about the flood coming. And then it rained. Prepare your hearts and minds and most of all your spirit. And most importantly be in prayer over these things. The Storm is coming....

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