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The Prayer Closet | ©Bridget Marcus

Matthew 6:6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

This scripture is one out of the many reasons I wanted to create my little prayer closet. I knew that my spirit desperately needed a "secret place" where I could go and just shut the world out as well as all the distractions and just souly focus on Him. I was led to stop putting it off and just do it. It is a place where I can talk and cry out to Him, a place where I can offer my worship and praise to Him one on one, a place where I pray for others, where I can dig deeper into His word, where I can be refilled and encouraged, and where I can feel His presence. So I can grow deeper in my relationship with Him. Using the little space also humbles you. It makes you feel like a little child again. And then I am reminded of the scripture in Matthew 18:3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. It is my safe place where I know He dwells. I don't share this for "attention" I share this to encourage each of you to do what you have to do to draw closer to God the best way you know how using what you have. He will honor the sacrifices, the time, and effort that you put into wanting to know Him on a deeper level. You do your part and He will do the rest.

After doing this I feel a lot closer to Him. I try to make it a point to go in there every day. Sometimes it's not until late at night when I am able to go but I make sure I go. Sometimes I will spend an hour or two in there. If I bring my phone I make sure to turn it on do not disturb or I leave it outside the closet so I won't be distracted. The biggest thing I noticed is when I started using my prayer shawl. I have felt God's presence strongly when I've used it when praying. I know the more I spend time with Him the more my faith will increase and the closer I will be come in my walk. I deal with A.D.D and being a mom and having a family in general takes a lot of your time and is filled with distractions. So having the prayer closet and letting people know when you are in there with the door closed than that is your time with the Lord and that you do not want to be disturbed. I have told my boys to not come in unless it's an emergency. Which I try to make sure they are taken care of first before I begin that time.

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