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The Angel Encounter | ©Bridget Marcus

I have always felt Angels nearby especially when I am outside deep in prayer or in worship. I have felt them present every time I have seen Red Cardinals or Blue Birds. In fact, I have two that have traveled with me for a while now. When driving there is one that stays on each side of my car to the front. My oldest son, Will, has even seen them. But it wasn't until recently that I got to encounter one in a very powerful way. It's amazing what God will allow you to experience and to see the closer you walk with Him.

On Friday, October 8, 2021, God allowed me to experience something I had never got to experience before, and it will forever change my life. I was at the Jesus House in Alabaster in the middle of praying for another, as I had my hand upon their shoulder, I felt what was like a jolt of electricity that ran down from my hand through my body down to my feet. Now, I have felt this feeling before many times when laying hands on others and praying as well as feeling it on my fingertips when in prayer alone but this time it was different. It was in that moment that I could no longer stand. It was almost as if a giant wave came crashing over me to the point it knocked me down. I found myself on the floor unable to get up. I began to pray. As everyone else continued to pray I knew I was being overcome by a powerful presence. I did not see the Angel but when it came into the room and was standing next to me, I was so overwhelmed by the power of its presence that I couldn't do anything but lay completely flat on the floor and I began to weep. Not only that but I began to scream out because my body physically just couldn't handle it. All of a sudden, I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and I began to speak in tongues. I had no fear whatsoever. I was not in any kind of pain, but my body just simply could not handle the presence that was in the room. Even though I did not see the Angel another person in the room did and it was standing behind them and next to me. A word was given to those of us in the room. When the visitation was over, I had the most perfect peace come over me and it felt like every ounce of energy I had, had been pulled out of me. I could have curled up and went to sleep right there. It was the first time I had such a powerful Angel encounter. I knew in my spirit this would be the first out of many Kingdom encounters that God would allow me to have as long as I continue to stay on the path He has put me on.

Now some of you reading this may think I maybe making this all up and the rest of you are smiling ear to ear because you know exactly what I am talking about because God has allowed you to experience that same kind of encounter in your life. Either way, I am not here to convince anyone of what happened to me that night and no one will be able to convince me that it didn't. I am here simply to share with you a heavenly encounter that God allowed me to have and because of that moment I got to experience the power of God in a whole different way. If something that He created could make me feel the way that it did that night than no wonder our physical bodies cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven because our physical bodies cannot handle it. I cannot even begin to imagine what it truly feels like to be in the complete fullness of God.

On the way home that night when I was almost home, I began to see an army of Angels all around. They were dressed, suited for battle, and they were flying in the same direction I was going and they were all around. By time I got home they had disappeared. If I can leave you with anything it will be this. Know that you also have an army of Angels that God has created and sent to fight on your behalf. They are there waiting to be activated and used on your behalf. They are powerful and very real. Know that you are never alone. My prayer is that God will allow you to have a powerful encounter so your life, like mine, will never be the same.

Matthew 24:31And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.

Matthew 25:31“But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.

2 Thessalonians 1:7and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire,

John 1:51And He *said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

Luke 22:43Now an angel from heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him.

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