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Learning To Step Into The Calling | ©Bridget Marcus

Ever since I was a kid I've experienced specific dreams and as I got older and the closer I was to God the more I experienced. Even during the times I wasn't as close to Him but I didn't fully understand it all until recently when God brought me through a season of pain, uncertainty, and spiritual drought. But then God suddenly re opened my heart, renewed my mind and my spirit. He put a new fire within me. I knew without a doubt that this upcoming year/season would be one like no other and that I couldn't afford to let my personality traits of people pleasing, what if's, and shyness stop me from obeying Him and what He specifically called me to do. I knew if I didn't step into this than He would remove it from me all together. You see if I don't share what the Lord has told me to share with you all than I am just as condemned as those who are lost and undone. I give myself no titles. I don't want any credit. All the Glory goes to my Heavenly Father. I am choosing this day forward to step into the calling He has put on my life. That calling is to sound the alarm. It is to warn others so people can prepare for the harvest. The groom is almost ready to come get His bride. Many have been blinded. The Lord said no more luke warmness! He said tell them to let go and let My Spirit Consume them like fire so that I can use them in the coming days. He said lead and guide them to the narrow way. BE SET APART! Die to self, separate yourself from the world. Be obedient. Listen to what He has to say. And take heed to it. I created this site so people can easily go to one place to read my blogs/writings and to listen to my audio/podcast of the things the Lord leads me to say. They can be downloaded or encouraged to be shared. I know that me stepping into this will cause me to lose people closest to me, it will upset many, and it will cause many to question my intentions. What you feel about me is not my business but is between you and the Lord. Pray about it and let the Holy Spirit guide you.

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