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Build Your Ark | ©Bridget Marcus

Over the last couple of weeks I felt led to just be still in the Lord and just be in His word. It has been a couple of weeks since I have done a fb live in sharing His word and to just set and talk with my brothers and sisters but it has been because I have not felt led to get back on just yet. Between the tv and social media there has been nothing but noise especially since JB got into office. Prior to that many things were being spread around that wasn't true or it just didn't happen for whatever reason. In doing so many people got their hopes up. So many have been lashing out that the "prophets" got it wrong among other things. But what I saw was so many who have lost the faith. As far as I'm concerned God is still God. He works in His own time and if you have read the word than we all know how He feels about those who are currently in office along with those who support them and how He deals with those who practice lawlessness and unrighteousness. But as a child of God I also know we are directed to pray for our enemies. When reading in Genesis this morning as I got back into the story of Noah I noticed some things that stood out to me. God told Noah and his family to get on the ark because Noah was the only righteous man that was found in that time. But then in Genesis 7 verse 16 it said So those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him; and the Lord shut him in. It was the Lord that shut him in! It didn't say that Noah shut it. Beloveds we are in a season where the flood waters are about to rise and consume. This time it won't be a physical flood because we know that God's promise was to never flood the earth again. That was His covenant with man. But we are in a season where God is seeking out His righteous people. He is on the threshing floor and the bride will be sifted as wheat and made ready to receive the bridegroom. Hard times are coming but the Lord is asking us to get on the ark as He is getting ready to shut the door. What does this mean? It means we have to learn to let go of all the things we used to know. It means putting aside ALL worldly things which include entertainment and distraction and souly focus on Him and staying in His will and rooted in His word. NOTHING matters more than your relationship and walk with Jesus. Not your family, not your spouse, not your children, not your education, or even your jobs. He has to come FIRST. When God spoke to Noah in building the ark Noah had to give up all his time, all of his energy, and he had to sacrifice many things to focus on getting that big ark built in time. If Noah faltered in anyway and put it off any longer or didn't take God's word seriously than it would have affected both Noah and mankind. Don't put off preparing your ark. Spend time building your ark so when the flood waters rise when God says it's time and He gets ready to shut you in you will be ready. Go build your ark! The flood is coming....

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