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Be Still & Know|©Bridget Marcus

We are living in a time where it seems that everyone has something to say. There is a lot of "noise" everywhere you turn. Try having a gift where you are easily feeling, hearing, and seeing things in the spirit and it's hard for people to understand you. Only you better know whose voice is whose. The enemy is very good at mimicking the things of God. He will also use those closest to you without them even knowing it to try and throw you off track. Even those who are supposed to have the best discernment. Afterall, no one is perfect. I have found myself lately feeling a sense of frustration as I am standing at a fork in a road wanting to put my hands over my ears about ready to scream trying so desperately to figure out what my next steps are supposed to be. Not just for myself but for my family. One thing that has been brought to my attention is that the enemy has been all about distraction lately as well as division. He wants to confuse God's children, discourage us, separate us, and throw us all off track. One thing is for certain, I don't want to listen to the wrong voices and get out of His will. It's the most frustrating place to be. Especially when there is no clear direction being given. Or maybe there is but there is just too many voices, lots of noise, and a ton of distractions keeping me from hearing and seeing it so clearly. So, as I set here, I feel I need to just Be Still & Know. I feel the only option is to take a step back so I can hear and see more clearly than I have been lately so I can move forward. To just separate myself from the noise so I can spend time at the feet of Jesus and time with my family. The urgency is still there to prepare my home, myself, and my family for transition like I talked about in my last blog. That has not changed, but the one thing that I am currently concerned about is making decisions based on the wrong things instead of it being based on purely loving God and being obedient to Him. There are areas of myself that still need healing. There is a deeper work that still needs to be done despite a lot of the progress I've already made because I still catch myself feeling like I'm not good enough or that I can't rest and just simply be because I want to be in control. I find myself being afraid of getting it wrong. But I know better and I am thankful of how far God has carried me from where I used to be. Here lately it has been like a roller coaster ride and I have felt like I'm losing my footing. What I do know is that He will finish what He begun in me.

So if you are reading this I just ask that you give me grace and have understanding as I go through this. And most importantly pray for me and my family. And if you are having a hard time hearing that still small voice or having clarity and you feel like all the voices are overwhelming and taking over than it's time to Be Still & Know my friend. It's time to REST but most importantly to rest in HIM.

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