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Are You Ready To Shift? |©Bridget Marcus

I was spending my porch time with the Lord most of the morning and into the afternoon and I feel led to share this word He gave me.... "THIS IS AN URGENT WORD FOR SOMEONE"

I feel this will be confirmation for some of you. You will know if it's for you as you read. As always test the spirit....

Things are about to suddenly shift! God is doing a new thing. For some of you, you have been hanging on so tightly to the old way of things. You have seen and have felt it in your heart and spirit that what you have been doing just isn't cutting it anymore. You know things have changed and you know things need to change. What used to work no longer works anymore. For some of you, you are no longer seeing growth in your ministries or your churches or maybe even in your careers or relationships. Infact you are seeing the opposite. Things have become stagnant. What used to bring you life is now sucking the life out of you. What used to bring you joy and peace and excitement now in fact brings the direct opposite such as discontent and feels like a heavy yoke around your neck that does nothing but weigh you down. You have been feeling the pressure now for a while praying that God would bring more help, that God would change your heart about the situation or even change the heart of others, or that He would move in a mighty way or give you a fresh wind. What if I told you that the reason you are feeling this way is because you are in a place, a relationship, or a position that you are no longer called to be at or in and that God was shifting your course and where He wants you to be. That the season you were in changed a long time ago and yet you are still hanging on so tightly to the familiar and because it is what you have always known and because it is who others and yourself have identified you to be or to be apart of. Friend, God is shifting things in this season and just because it feels so familiar and comfortable doesn't mean you should remain in that place. For some of you God is even going to allow you to experience new giftings that will come to the surface that you didn't even know you had but God did. You will feel like you are not qualified or called but you are. For some of you, you have been in the same position even for years but God says it's time to shift direction. I am taking you somewhere new. And those of you who have been in the waiting...get ready because He is about to bring you to the forefront. So trust the Father in this process. Many of you have been waiting on Him but in truth He's been waiting on you. Let go when you know it's time to let go, step forward when you know you need to step forward, move on if you know you need to move on, and be open to receive all that He has for you. Change is hard but it's necessary. He is pouring out the new wine but so many of you are still walking around with old wine skins. He has prepared you for such a time as this. Now is that time. Let go of the old so you can receive and embrace the new that He has for you. Also, I feel led to say that some of you have also been in fear of man because you don't want people to be mad with you or even disappointed in the decision you have or are going to have to make. Give those people to God and you push through in being obedient to doing what He is calling for you to do. He will provide, He will align you with your new tribe, He will equip you and give you all that you need for the new journey ahead and He will take care of those you are having to leave behind. Let Go and Let God. Are you ready to shift?

Amen! Be blessed!

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