Choose Wisely
One thing that I feel we have to come to understand is the power of free will. It is something that God does not override but something He chooses to respect even if it's not what He wants for His children. Every one of us is given free will. Father God wants so much for His children. There is a life of abundance in Him, a life full of joy with Him (despite our situations), it is a life filled with love, acceptance, provision, and of hope. But our flesh always tends to choose the apple when it is presented to us in a pretty packages. The enemy is good at that. The enemy makes the things in this world look so good. It makes it hard to want to lay down our life, die to self, and pick up our cross and live for Jesus daily. But that's just it. It's a choice. When we don't understand just how much God loves us, when we have eyes focused souly on the world, and we choose to settle for less than we miss out on so much that God wants and has for us. Friend you are not an orphan you are loved and you were bought with a price! Jesus shed His precious blood for you and gave up His life for YOU. You have an inheritance that surpasses all the riches this life and world has to offer. It's not even about the benefits of what being a child of God brings. It's simply just loving your creator and savior and wanting what He wants and choosing what He wants out of love.
Beloved we are in a choosing season. There is a fork in the road in the spirit and I am hearing "Choose Wisely". I do believe the prodigals will be coming back home but so many others sadly will still decide to choose to go down the path that was never meant for them to take. You are at the fork in the road. Which road are you going to take? Choose Wisely.